Recent publications from the Dorsky Lab
Alper SR, Dorsky RI. Unique advantages of zebrafish larvae as a model for spinal cord regeneration. Front Mol Neurosci. 2022;15:983336.
Vasudevan D, Liu Y, Barrios JP, Wheeler MK, Douglass AD, Dorsky RI. Regenerated interneurons integrate into locomotor circuitry following spinal cord injury. Exp Neurol. 2021 May 4;342:113737.
Hutcheson DA, Xie Y, Figueroa P, Dorsky RI. A transgene targeted to the zebrafish nkx2.4b locus drives specific green fluorescent protein expression and disrupts thyroid development. Dev Dyn. 2020 Nov;249(11):1387-1393.
Xie Y, Kaufmann D, Moulton MJ, Panahi S, Gaynes JA, Watters HN, Zhou D, Xue HH, Fung CM, Levine EM, Letsou A, Brennan KC, Dorsky RI. Lef1-dependent hypothalamic neurogenesis inhibits anxiety. PLoS Biology 15, e2002257.
Xie, Y., and Dorsky, R.I. (2017). Development of the hypothalamus: conservation, modification and innovation. Development 144, 1588-1599.