Principle Investigator
Research Scientist
Lab Technician
Lab Technician
Postdoctoral Fellow
Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow
Isabelle Cooperstein
Eyad Marashly
Autumn Mcknite
Yangsook Green
Judith Neugebauer
Raji Shyam
Yuanyan Xie
Sylvia Nelsen
Mizhuo Mimoto
Anup Tilak
Sunjong Kwon
Shailaja Sopory
Gokhan Dalgin
Devorah Goldman
Laird Sheldahl
Renee Hackenmiller
Catherine Degnin
Gary Wayman
Takuya Nakayama
John Fredieu
Grad Student, U of Utah
MD, Research Scholar, U of Utah
Grad Student, U of Utah
Research Sci,U of Utah
Middle School Sci Teacher
Postdoc, U Indiana
Postdoc, UPenn
Asst Prof,OHSU
Asst Prof, UCSD
Lab Director, Crestar
Res Asst Prof, OHSU
Scientist, HSTI, Delhi, India
Staff Sci, U Chicago
Res AsstProf, OHSU
Prof Mt. Hood Comm College
Chem Reg Manager, Nike
Assoc Biostatistician, Knight Cancer Center
Assoc Prof, WSU
Res Sci, U Virginia
Sci Writer, Cleveland Clinic